Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)

Are you spending a considerable amount in maintaining your AC systems? Are the issues too often and you end up waiting for the technicians to arrive for days? With Vision Air Technical Services (VATS) Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC), also known as Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM), you can be assured of a trouble free HVAC system for your residential or commercial property. Our regular inspections, cleaning, fixing, and on call for repairs, ensures that your expenses are less in the long run and you will face less issues.

Based on your requirements, our team will provide customized AMC packages, that will ensure your HVAC systems are performing as expected. Our AMC covers, but not limited to:

  • Routine cleaning
  • Maintenance
  • Repair works
  • Gas refilling
  • Calibration & adjustment
  • Lubrication
  • Testing
  • Component replacement

Benefits of AMC

  1. Cost Savings: Annual maintenance contracts offer cost-effective solutions by bundling services together at a fixed price, potentially saving money compared to paying for individual services as needed.
  2. Comprehensive Solutions: These contracts provide comprehensive maintenance solutions covering a wide range of systems and components, ensuring thorough inspections, cleaning, and replacements where necessary.
  3. Peace of Mind: With an annual maintenance contract in place, property owners can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their systems are being regularly inspected and maintained by VATS professionals, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns.
  4. Longevity of Equipment: Regular maintenance helps extend the lifespan of HVAC systems and other equipment by addressing issues early and preventing major failures.
  5. Energy Efficiency: Properly maintained systems operate more efficiently, leading to lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills over time.
  6. Expert Assistance: Annual maintenance contracts provide access to expert technicians who are trained to identify and address potential problems, ensuring that systems are operating at their best.
  7. Tailored Solutions: Maintenance contracts can be tailored to meet the specific needs of residential or commercial properties, ensuring that all essential systems are covered.
  8. Timely Repairs: By catching issues early during routine inspections, maintenance contracts allow for timely repairs, preventing minor problems from escalating into major ones.
  9. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Regular cleaning and maintenance of HVAC systems contribute to improved indoor air quality by removing dust, allergens, and pollutants from the air.
  10. Convenience: With scheduled maintenance visits included in the contract, property owners can enjoy the convenience of not having to worry about scheduling individual service appointments.

What is Covered in AMC?

  • Periodic Maintenance (up to 4 in a year)
  • Components and System Inspections
  • Indoor and Outdoor Unit Cleaning
  • Performance Checking
  • Compressor and Gas Checking
  • Thermostat Calibration
  • Repair Services
  • Spare Parts Replacement (Parts will cost additional based on the type of contract)

What type of ACs are covered?

We cover any type of AC systems for your residential or commercial property, except Window and Portable ACs.

  • HVAC
  • VRV (variable refrigerant volume AC)
  • VRF (variable refrigerant flow AC)
  • AHU
  • FAHU
  • Central AC
  • Ducted split AC
  • Package unit AC
  • Centralized AC
  • FCU fan coil unit AC
  • Cassette type AC
  • Wall mounted AC
  • Split AC
  • Ceiling AC
  • Multi-split

Service Packages

Basic Package

In the realm of HVAC system maintenance, a fundamental approach is provided through the Basic Package. This package encompasses essential inspection, cleaning, and replacement services, serving as a cornerstone for optimal system functionality. It acts as the initial step in the journey towards enhancing HVAC performance and efficiency.

Premium Package

For those seeking a more comprehensive solution, the Premium Package offers an elevated level of service. In addition to inspection, cleaning, and replacement, this package includes spare parts as well as analysis of your System performance and to guide on saving energy.

Specialized Inspection Service

Central to effective maintenance is the specialized inspection service provided by experienced professionals. Through meticulous examination, faults in components and performance abnormalities are identified early on. This proactive approach prevents further damage to the unit and reduces unnecessary operating expenses, ultimately prolonging the lifespan of the HVAC system.

Improving System Efficiency

Efficiency enhancement forms a core objective of specialized maintenance services. By addressing key areas such as dust accumulation and heat exchanger cleanliness, system performance is optimized. Removal of contaminants from air filters and heat exchangers not only improves heating and cooling efficiencies but also reduces energy consumption, aligning with sustainability goals.

Cleaning Chemicals and Equipment

A critical component of specialized maintenance services is the utilization of certified experts and specialized equipment. From indoor unit components such as grills and heat exchangers to outdoor unit maintenance, thorough cleaning is conducted using appropriate chemicals and equipment. This meticulous approach ensures that HVAC systems operate at peak efficiency, promoting a comfortable indoor environment.

Indoor Unit Cleaning

Indoor Unit Cleaning includes cleaning various components such as grills, front panels, fans, drain pans, and heat exchangers to ensure optimal performance and air quality indoors. Through thorough cleaning by certified experts and the use of specialized equipment and cleaning chemicals, indoor unit cleaning aims to remove dust, debris, and contaminants, promoting a healthier indoor environment and efficient system operation.

Outdoor Unit Cleaning

Outdoor Unit cleaning involves using of water (high or low pressure) for cleaning the dusts and debris that would have settled around the unit and components. Coils are cleaned using specialized spraying mechanism. After the cleaning process, dryers are used to ensure there is no water clogged.